Chemnitz Germany wins among eight German cities with an impressive "C THE UNSEEN" bidbook focusing on the invisible silent center of society, which seeks to encourage it to become more visible, active and louder. It is the middle voice that has subsided in recent years, and Europe needs active Europeans: in the fight against climate change, in tackling demographic change, in mitigating the social and economic consequences of the COVID pandemic 19.
The Chemnitz bidbook is a great example of this, that the European Capital of Culture 2026 is not just about events, but especially a "guide" on how culture can solve a specific problem.
In its 100-page bidbook, Chemnitz opens up the theme of invisible places, invisible biographies, the invisible talent of each individual, supports the production of things, DIY, the "inner artist", self-taught and the creative process itself that unites them.
The victory was preceded by a four-year project preparation process, supported in Chemnitz by many tireless cultural actors, volunteers and civic initiatives.
Our team from Trnava warmly congratulates our colleagues from Chemnitz. It's a huge success.
Máme za sebou 90- minút prezentácie pred medzinárodnou porotou. Ďakujeme všetkým, ktorí nám pomohli s prípravou bidbooku, prezentačnému tímu za Trnavu, aj štábu, ktorý zabezpečil živé vysielanie z Malého Berlína.
Read moreTrnava očami Petry Nagyovej, ktorá v Trnave dlho aktívne pôsobila v oblasti PR a komunitného života, a hoci sa posledné roky živí písaním mimo Trnavy, dokonca i Slovenska, k nášmu mestu má stále silný vzťah. Ako vníma Trnavu a rozvoj kultúry v čase? Prečítajte si jej osobnú výpoveď.
Read moreZhovárali sme sa s Dušanom Vančom, marketingovým stratégom projektu Trnava 2026. Okrem práce na kandidatúre stíha byť šéfom Nádvoria, Trnavského rádia a producentom elektronickej hudby pod pseudonymom Foolk. Aby toho stíhal viac, odpojil sa zo všetkých sociálnych sietí.
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